13th November 2024, 9:15am to 6:00pm

The Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 0AE 

PLA Autumn Training Day 2024

Booking closed. For any queries contact events@pla.org.uk

The Autumn Training Day will take place at its customary venue, The Royal Society of Medicine in London on Wednesday 13 November.

Your Education & Training Committee has produced another excellent programme. 

The networking drinks at the end of the presentations is an excellent opportunity to meet with the speakers and your fellow property litigators, which is such an important part of the PLA ethos.


Ticket price: £150 plus VAT

Open to all PLA members and their colleagues, including the option to send one trainee who is currently undertaking a property litigation seat.

To book, select the tickets that you require and click 'add'. This will add the tickets to your basket at the top of the screen. Click on the basket to add delegate details and to 'checkout'.