27 April 2021

Winner announced for the Alan Langleben Memorial blog competition 2021


Persistence paid off for PLA member Lucie Barnes who has won this year’s Alan Langleben Memorial Blog Competition with her lively entry on the Telecoms Code. Lucie, a senior associate at Brodies in Glasgow, came second two years ago.
This year’s event replaced the 1,500-word essay format with a 500-word blog, more in keeping with the times. Competitors were asked what aspect of property legislation the Law Commission should change first and why.

As well as a £1,000 prize and a trophy, Lucie’s piece is due to be published in EG magazine on 15 May. Adam Osieke’s runner-up blog on CVAs will be published simultaneously by EG online.

Suzanne Lloyd Holt, who jointly judged the competition with Vivien King, said: “It has been a very difficult year, especially for our younger members, and it is a tribute to their commitment that we received so many excellent entries. We had a broad range of topics, from right to manage to commonhold and from sub-guarantees to rent demand reform.

“In the end, it came down to Lucie on telecoms and land rights, and Adam on CVAs. Both were thoughtful and topical, and it took some time to decide on the eventual winner. We hope the efforts and commitment of all the competitors will encourage even greater participation next year.”