15 October 2020
PLA 2020 Annual General Meeting
The PLA 2020 AGM will take place on Monday 2 November 2020 at 6pm via Zoom
The Committee has been closely monitoring developments in respect of the COVID-19 pandemic and in light of the measures in place, and to protect the health and safety of our members and the wider community, we have taken the decision to hold the General Meeting “virtually”.
The General Meeting will be held with the minimum required quorum present, including the Chair, the Committee members and a limited number of others (the “Permitted Attendees”), in order to conduct the business of the meeting. While we would have liked for as many members to “virtually” attend as possible, the Committee determined that arranging a facility for a possible 1,300-plus attendees would neither be cost-efficient nor proportionate to the PLA’s resources.
Notwithstanding these arrangements, members are strongly encouraged to vote at the General Meeting. In order to do so, members are strongly advised to appoint the Chair of the meeting as their proxy and otherwise complete their proxy voting instructions.
Although members are not able to attend the General Meeting in person this year, member engagement and participation remains important. Therefore, we have taken the decision that members may submit questions relating to the business of the GM in advance of the meeting. Questions may be submitted via email using admin@pla.org.uk. We will publish the answers to questions on our website as soon as practicable after the General Meeting.
To read full notice please click here
To view the Unaudited Financial Statements for year ended 31st August 2020 click here
The following members are standing for election/re-election
Chair: Gary Lawrenson
Vice Chair: Mathew Ditchburn
Hon Treasurer: Mathew Ditchburn
Hon Secretary: Dellah Gilbert
Chair of Law Reform: Peter Bourke
Chair of Education and Training: Rebecca Campbell
Chair of Regions: Paul Barker
Chair of Website and Marketing: Mark Reading
Junior PLA: Anna Mullins