Judicial Appointments Commissioner Brie Stevens-Hoare chaired a lively, engaging and insightful panel discussion concerning appointments to the judiciary.
The JAC is keen to de-mystify the appointments process and to encourage solicitors (and PLA members) to apply to the judiciary, or at least better understand routes into the judiciary if of more longer term interest.
The panellists were Mr. Justice Murray, Chancery Master Shulman, Chief Master Marsh and Tribunal Judge Wayte. The panellists detailed their own individual entry points into the judiciary and commented on the application process, tips for navigating the process, life as a judge and career progression. The panel stressed how genuinely enthusiastic and enlightened they were to do a job that focussed on ‘pure law’ and coming to the legally correct decision. More light-heartedly, the panel unanimously agreed that being unshackled from admin, bureaucracy and clients/instructing solicitors was a significant bonus!
There are a number of tools available for those considering the judicial route. The panel emphasised that subscribing to the Judging Your Future would be of invaluable help. The link to the Judicial Appointments Commission website, which contains a wealth of information, can be found here.
The PLA is grateful to BCLP for hosting the event and grateful to Ed, Karen, Matthew, Ruth and Brie for sharing their knowledge and insight with us.