Education & Training Resources
Presentations and papers from and recordings of PLA training events and seminars. In connection with all education and training materials on the PLA website, please note the disclaimer found in the Information footer at the bottom of this page.
Verduyn, Anthony, Nuttall, David and Newman, Anya, St Philips Chambers (25.01.24) Navigating Developer's Territory SLIDES
25th Jan 2024
Verduyn, Anthony, Nuttall, David and Newman, Anya, St Philips Chambers (25.01.24) Navigating Developers Territory: Recent developments in the law of boundaries - hard edges and fuzzy lines SLIDES presented at PLA Midlands - Navigating Developer's Territory: Recent Developments in the Law of Boundaries - Hard Edges and Fuzzy Lines on 25 January 2024 at St Philips Chambers, Birmingham.Read article -
South Coast Region Joint PLA/PBA Seminar - slides
16th Oct 2023
The South Coast Committee and PBA members held an afternoon of training at Paris Smith LLP in Southampton. The slides are available for members.Read article -
Midlands JPLA soft skills training: How to build your personal brand - slides
21st Sep 2023
The Midlands JPLA hosted a soft skills training session: How to build your personal brand with social media guru, Samantha Wiltshire, who provided training on defining and building your personal brand, creating an effective LinkedIn profile to generate the right following and engagement, the value of recommendations and the future benefits of developing yourself online and offline. The slides are available for members.Read article -
JPLA Mini-Series (Part III): Insolvency and Vesting Orders - recording and slides
26th Jul 2023
A webinar with Matthew Tonnard, Radcliffe Chambers, discussing what happens to property held by a company when it is struck off from the Companies Register, the implications of property being disclaimed by the Crown and the procedural routes by which property may be “vested” in an individual. The recording and slides are available for members.Read article -
PBA/PLA Joint Building Safety Act Seminar - recording & slides
12th Jul 2023
A seminar held on 12 July 2023 introducing particular aspects of the Building Safety Act 2022, flagging up areas for potential dispute or applications that should be in the minds of most property litigators. The slides from the event are now available to PLA members.Read article -
JPLA Recession and Insolvency Mini-Series (Part 2): Rent Reviews in a Recession - notes
15th Jun 2023
A seminar held on 15 June 2023 at Selborne Chambers discussing legal and practical matters to consider when advising on rent reviews in the current economic climate, including insight into a valuation expert’s perspective. Notes from two of the speakers are available for PLA members.Read article -
JPLA Recession and Insolvency Mini-Series (Part I)
02nd May 2023
The JPLA Recession and Insolvency Mini-Series (Part I): Tenant insolvency and its effect on commercial and residential possession claims with Tristan Slater, 5 Paper Chambers was held on 25th April 2023 at 5 Paper Buildings, Temple, London. The slides have been made available for members.Read article -
PLA Conference 2023 - notes and slides
24th Mar 2023
The PLA Conference 2023 was held on 24 March at Keble College, Oxford. The notes and slides have been made available to members.Read article -
Property Litigation in a Recession: a joint PLA / PBA panel discussion - webinar recording
28th Feb 2023
In what has become an annual event, the PBA and PLA joined forces again to discuss the current issues and potential issues facing the property world in a recession.Read article -
PLA Autumn Training Day 2022 - recording and papers
29th Nov 2022
The PLA Autumn Training Day 2022 was held on 29 November at the Royal Society of Medicine. The recording and papers have been made available to members.Read article