18 March 2021

JPLA panel in celebration of International Women's Day


On Thursday 11 March 2021, the JPLA hosted its inaugural event in celebration of International Women’s Day.

We were joined by a panel of truly inspirational female property litigators from across the country: Brie Stevens-Hoare QC, Miriam Seitler, Naomi Pryde, Gillian Craig and Anna Mullins.  We were absolutely overwhelmed by the response to the event, with over 125 attendees who registered an interest.

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is “Choose to Challenge”.  Our panel told us what they were choosing to challenge this year, which ranged from challenging the “myth of meritocracy” as well as management functions on D&I; to being more conscious of unconscious bias and maintaining an equal gender mindset.

Our panel also spoke on a variety of topical and important issues for women in property litigation.  Some notable highlights from their discussion included:

  • Their own experiences of everyday sexism, and navigating the male-dominated environment of the property industry;
  • How the industry has developed over the years and tips on building a career in the law;
  • In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, how junior lawyers can make themselves more visible; and
  • How the qualities of being authentically ourselves can help, rather than hinder, career success.

We were both truly inspired by the panel’s insights on these matters and the lessons to be learned from their experiences.  We were left with food for thought on how far property litigation has come for women, and yet, where there are still ways we can all improve.

We think that “choosing to challenge” always starts with simply opening up the conversation on these matters and creating space for people to share their experiences and wisdom.  We are truly grateful to the panel for their time, and for giving our PLA members the benefit of a thoroughly enjoyable and empowering conversation in tandem with International Women’s Day!

Watch the webinar

Lindsey Whittle and Chloe Postlethwaite

on behalf of the JPLA Committee