If, like me, you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolution to get fitter and healthier – don’t despair. Remember your PLA annual membership still provides you with far greater benefits than you’ll ever get from your local gym.
We now have more training, law reform and networking events taking place in the UK regions which means you get even greater benefits if you are based outside London. Most events are on your doorstep which saves travel time and are at either no or modest cost.
For example:-
- Take a look at our events website calendar and check out what is happening this month in Birmingham and Bristol;
- Keep an eye out for our monthly newsletter as we go through 2017 which provides regular notice of events in your area – there is lots going on;
- The latest series of our Bring A Surveyor networking takes place in Birmingham next week – incredible value at still only £25 for a double ticket. (If you haven’t booked do it now as tickets are selling fast!)
But don’t forget that your Association is also at the forefront of lobbying when it comes to law reform in our field. We’re also facing the challenges of change in County Court Administration too and that’s bound to affect us all across the whole of our UK regions. .
We want to hear from you. This is your Association and we can help make a difference together. But to do that we need to know your experiences and opinions – good and bad.
It only takes seconds to either send an e mail to any of our committee chairs , including yours truly. Or maybe you prefer to use social media – remember to use our PLA LinkedIn account.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
So go on then – make a resolution to get fit for 2017 by getting even more value from your PLA membership and spread the word.
Martin Edwards
Regions Coordinator PLA
Shakespeare Martineau LLP