Blog from the PLA Education & Training Committee
We are looking forward to welcoming delegates to the PLA’s Autumn Training Day on 3 November 2016 at The Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London. Once again, the Autumn Training Day has nearly sold out.
This year, the line-up of speakers is excellent (again) and we are delighted that Zia Bhaloo QC has agreed to chair proceedings. As well as an extremely strong contingent of property silks and juniors, we will be joined by the Head of Malcolm Hollis’ dilapidations practice Mark Hampson, speech writing and delivery expert Lawrence Bernstein and one of the UK’s top boundary surveyors David Powell. The blend of legal excellence and industry expertise on offer at the Autumn Training Day is unrivalled and reflects the variety of skills we, as property litigators, are expected to have in today’s working world. We are grateful to all our speakers for their support.
With the Autumn Training Day nearly upon us, the Education and Training Committee has already started work on our conference next year. We had a great brainstorming session in September and will be presenting our proposed programme to the Executive Committee for approval over the next few weeks. Given the speed of information and frequency of our events, it is always a challenge to meet (or beat) the standards we have set in previous years but we are confident that the topics and speakers won’t disappoint.
A key part of the Education and Training Committee’s work is to review the feedback we receive from delegates so we can respond to requests for topics and/or ideas as to how our events could be improved. The more we hear from members, the better we are placed to give you what you want. So, if there are any topics that are of interest or you have ideas about how are events could be improved, please do get in touch with the Education and Training Committee.
If any members would like to join the Education and Training Committee, please contact me.
I hope the delegates attending the Autumn Training Day enjoy the programme and I look forward to catching-up with people there and at the PLA Dinner a week later.
Ben Barrison
October 2016