07 August 2017

Blog from the Chair – revising the Association’s Articles


Your PLA executive committee and subcommittees have been working hard to revise the articles of the Association.

Why, you might ask? Well, the reasons are:

  • The Association has grown hugely – both in the number of members and the extent of national coverage. There are now new regions and more JPLA and other events happening all over the country. We wanted to reflect this in the Association’s articles and to enable more progression in the future.
  • Many of you have asked for more transparency, so we have made it clearer to understand how the various committees work and how their chairs are chosen. We hope this will encourage you to get involved and influence the conversation.
  • We have developed a structure chart so that you can see how the various committees sit together and who is involved. We’ll ensure this is available on the new website for your ease of reference.
  • The articles didn’t recognise the important role of our President, and so we have reflected this.
  • We have made provision for new types of members, both as retired members and associate members (for academics and the like) to respond to the growing demand and to ensure that we are connected with the next generation of property litigators.

The new articles are being circulated together with a summary and the notice of Extraordinary General Meeting. At that EGM, in addition to voting on the amends, you can meet the executive committee. If you have been toying with getting more involved with the PLA then come and talk to us about what it would involve and how you can help take us forward.

If you are not sure who is on the executive committee, or would like to understand more about what the PLA is doing, have a look at these pages: committees and events.

We are keen to ensure that your Association represents all of our members and to ensure we do this, we need your engagement. Your PLA needs you!

Alison Hardy