As I write this blog from what used to simply be my spare bedroom (now having morphed into an attempt at full blown home office suite, complete with some nominal shelving and some token books for those zoom calls!), I reflect on the past year for the JPLA.
The junior arm of the Property Litigation Association has always played a key role in the Association and I am delighted that we have been able to “see” many of you (along with our JPBA comrades) in various virtual quizzes, as well as at some of our academic webinars, during this strange time.
As we commence our new PLA year, I look forward to more JPLA events (have you signed up for our event this week?) and to seeing and hearing more from you. Indeed, in times where we cannot meet face to face, it is now more important than ever to stay in touch virtually.
With that in mind, we have put together a short survey and would welcome your views on what you would like to see for the JPLA over the coming months/year. Let’s be optimistic and plan for some “in person” events too!
I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas and if you’d like to get in touch direct then please do. We are also always keen for people to join the Committee, particularly in the Regions, so please do let me know if you are interested.
Wishing you, your families and colleagues well and hopefully see you all (in person) soon.
Anna Mullins
Chair, JPLA